
by Dr. Tim Geoffrion

Recent Sermons:

“The Wonders of the Word of God” (PDF only)

Sermon for MIT Magazine, 2023

“How’s It Going So Far?” (Why we must keep looking to Jesus)

Calvary Baptist Church. June 25, 2023

Scripture: Romans 5: 1-8

“The Wonder of the Word of God”

Grayson Chin Baptist Church. May 14, 2023

Scripture: Hebrews 4:12-13, 2 Timothy 3:14-17

“What’s Worth Striving For?”

Calvary Baptist Church. January 8, 2023

Scripture: Mark 12: 28-31

NLIF Philippians Sermon Series:

#1: “What is Your Purpose in Life?” (Video)

Dr. Tim Geoffrion

Biblical Text: Philippians 1:1-11

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar. January 12th, 2020

#2- “What is the right attitude in suffering?” (Video) (PDF)

Pastor Hideki Ui

Biblical Text: Philippians 1:12-26

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar. January 19th, 2020

#3: “How do we live worthily of the Gospel?” (Video) (PDF)

Dr. Tim Geoffrion

Biblical Text: Philippians 1:27-30

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar. January 26th, 2020

#4: “What does it mean to serve like Jesus?” (Video) (PDF)

Pastor Hideki Ui

Biblical Text: Philippians 2:1-11

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar. February 2nd, 2020

#5: “What does it mean to live for Jesus?” (Video) (PDF)

Dr. Tim Geoffrion

Biblical Text: Philippians 2:12-30

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar. February 9th, 2020

#6: “How can we attain the ‘perfect’ life?” (Video) (PDF)

Dr. Tim Geoffrion

Biblical Text: Philippians 3:1-14

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, February 16th, 2020

#7: “Whose example is worth imitating?” (Video) (PDF)

Pastor Hideki Ui

Biblical Text: Philippians 3:15-21

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, February 23rd, 2020

#8: “What is the pathway to true peace?” (Video) (PDF)

Dr. Tim Geoffrion

Biblical Text: Philippians 4: 1-9

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, March 8th, 2020

Individual Sermons:

“What Time is it?” (Video) (PDF)

Calvary Baptist Church, via Zoom. January 10th, 2021

Scripture: Nehemiah 1:2-4; 2:1-4 & Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

“What Time is it?” (Video) (PDF)

Myanmar Institute of Theology, Yangon Myanmar. January 15th, 2020

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Romans 13:11

“Father, forgive us our sins…”(Video) (PDF)

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, November 10th, 2019

“What are You Praying For?”(Audio) (PDF) Going deeper in our personal prayer life.

Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, October 27th, 2019

“What will Bring Us Together?”(Video) (PDF)

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, September 29th, 2019

“How Well-Connected are You?” (Video) (PDF)

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, May 26th, 2019

“Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth” (Video)

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, January 27th, 2019

“The Balancing Act–Or Not” (Audio)(Video)

New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, October 21st, 2018.

“Growing in Christ, Preparing for Service (PDF)

MIT Opening Convocation Sermon, October 8th, 2018

“Why Forgiveness?”(Video)   (Text Version) 

Tim preached at Zion Baptist Church in Hakha, Myanmar, March 18th, 2018

“Our God is a God of Resurrection” (Audio)

Preached at New Life International Fellowship (Yangon, Myanmar), March 12, 2017

“Make Every Effort” (Audio)

Tim preached at New Life International Fellowship (Yangon, Myanmar), January 15, 2017

Not My Will, but Yours Be Done

Delivered at the Myanmar Institute of Theology Baccalaureate Service – Yangon, Myanmar, 2013

Saying Yes to God Series:

“Loving Others Better (sermon 1)”

Tim’s sermon week 1 on Loving Hard to Love People through saying yes to God. New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, November 5th 2017

“Forgiveness: A Harder Kind of love (sermon 2)”

Tim’s second sermon in the series, on Forgiveness. New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, November 12th 2017

“Overcoming Evil with Good (sermon 3)”

Tim’s third sermon in the Saying Yes to God series, on overcoming evil. New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, January 21st, 2018.

“Be More God-Confident (sermon 4)”

Tim’s third sermon in the Saying Yes to God series at New Life International Fellowship, Yangon, Myanmar, March 4th, 2018.

Charge to Graduates:

Chin Christian Institute of Theology (CCIT)

In Falam, on March 10th, 2018, where Tim delivered the Charge to the Graduates.

Chin Christian University (CCU)

In Hakha, on March 18th, 2018. Where Tim delivered the Charge to Graduates on the topic, “What is Your Vision?”

Charge to Graduates of Myanmar Institute of Theology (2009)

One Step at a Time Series:

“Crossing Bridges–Growing in Your Relationship with God” (Audio)

This four week series was recorded at New Life International Fellowship–Yangon, Myanmar

“Knowing God Better”

Preached at New Life International Fellowship – Yangon, Myanmar (October 2016)

Converted to an article for the Myanmar Institute of Theology Magazine (to be published, March 2017)


“What Makes a Marriage Work?”

Tim’s Homily on new marriages, commitment, and putting God at the center of everything. July 16th, 2017

Loving God from the Heart” (Audio)

Delivered to Tedim Baptist Church – Yangon, Myanmar (2013)

“A Harvest of Love” (Luke 7:36-50)

Preached at Immanuel Baptist Church, Yangon, Myannar (Nov. 10, 2013)

Sermons and Speeches by Dr. Jill Geoffrion

“Think Again!”

Baccalaureate Address, Myanmar Institute of Theology (2009)

“God’s Amazing Love” (Audio) (Transcript)

Delivered to Tedim Baptist Church, Yangon, Myanmar (2013)