- Books
- Essays for Life and Leadership
- Journal Articles
- Labyrinth Prayer Material
- “Saying Yes to God” Book
- Biblical Reflections

What Can We Expect from God Now?
Seven Spiritual Truths for Trusting God in Troubled Times
An updated and significantly expanded version of Tim’s 2020 book, with the edited title: What Can We Expect from God Now: Seven Spiritual Truths for Trusting God in Troubled Times. In this version, the focus is no longer on coping with COVID-19 but on how Christians can find more comfort, strength, and encouragement from their faith and relationship with God amid all times of uncertainty and suffering. Each chapter includes a “Spiritual Application” section and “Reflection Questions.”
The author, the Rev. Timothy C. Geoffrion, Ph.D., writes from decades of experience as a former pastor and, since 2009, visiting professor of New Testament and Practical Theology at Myanmar Institute of Theology in Yangon. Dr. Geoffrion offers perspective and hope from the Bible, relevant wherever Christians are struggling and unsure of what to believe or how to live out their faith in the midst of suffering and personal crisis. The book is written especially for thoughtful people who want to know what they can expect from God in the midst of trouble, doubt, and uncertainty. Tim’s transparency and vulnerability gives his writing a ring of authenticity and depth, so needed when Christians want answers that truly work in real life.
Full color photographs fill the book, including many from the stained-glass windows and sculptures found in the magnificent Chartres Cathedral (France). There are also beautiful photos from National Parks throughout the United States as well as from Tim’s ministry context in Myanmar. Throughout the book, Tim shares from his own personal experience, including a time when he almost lost his faith in God, making this truly a unique and remarkable devotional that will both inspire and encourage readers from the first page until the last.
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Saying Yes to God
How to Keep in Step with the Spirit
Saying Yes to God: How to Keep in Step with the Spirit is written to help maturing Christians better recognize the voice of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. The book is a practical resource for those looking for fresh insight to break through barriers and personal limitations in their relationship with God. In effect, this book offers hope to all those who earnestly want to know God better and to live Christ-centered, Spirit-led lives. Readers will not feel judged or shamed, but will hear a gentle yet firm and persistent call to believe that God truly is at work in their lives. Not only can they learn to recognize the Spirit’s voice better, but they can learn how to work with God in tremendously satisfying and fruitful ways. This book’s particular contribution lies in its simple presentation of important spiritual concepts, use of illustrations drawn from the author’s spiritual life coaching practice and global teaching ministry, and special emphasis on how to love others better as an outflow of one’s faith and personal relationship with God.
Acknowledgments | Chapter One |Foreword | Introduction | Preface |
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The Spirit-Led Leader
Nine Leadership Practices and Soul Principles
The Spirit-Led Leader addresses the critical fusion of spiritual life and leadership for those who not only want to see results, but who also desire to care just as deeply about who they are and how they lead as they do about what they produce and accomplish.
More About the Book | Foreward | Introduction | Reader Feedback
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One Step at a Time
A Pilgrim's Guide to Spirit-Led Living
One Step at a Time is for those who value spiritual vitality and growth enough to learn how to live Spirit-led lives. It is for those willing to invest sufficient time and energy into seeking and finding the spiritual treasures available to us.
More about the book | Foreward | Preface | Acknowledgements | Introduction | Chapter 1
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Praying the Chartres Labyrinth
A Pilgrim's Guidebook
This book is meant to serve as a guide to pilgrimage, Chartres Cathedral, and the Chartres labyrinth, as well as a journal in which a pilgrim can record experiences and the spiritual significance of these.
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Pondering the Labyrinth
Questions to Pray on the Path
The fifth of Jill Geoffrion’s labyrinth books, Pondering the Labyrinth was written in response to expressed needs for resources that could be used at a labyrinth.
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Living the Labyrinth
101 Paths To A Deeper Connection With The Sacred
The follow-up to Praying the Labyrinth, Living the Labyrinth takes labyrinth users to the next plateau, encouraging them to expand the ways to explore the labyrinth, in brief, devotional-like chapters that may be used however the reader chooses — because, as Jill reminds us, there is not just one “right” way to live the labyrinth.
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Christian Prayer and the Labyrinth
Pathways to Faith, Hope, and Love
Dr. Jill Geoffrion has created another groundbreaking book designed specifically for Christians who would like to use the labyrinth for personal meditation or communal Christian worship.
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Praying the Labyrinth
A Journal for Spiritual Exploration
Based on her experience at Chartres Catherdral and her training with Lauren Artress at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral, Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion has created a simple, meaningful approach to preparing for, undertaking, and meditating on labyrinth walks.
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