- Books
- Essays for Life and Leadership
- Journal Articles
- Labyrinth Prayer Material
- “Saying Yes to God” Book
- Biblical Reflections
Resources in English
On these pages you will find many resources — books, essays, audio recordings, video sessions, and links to additional sites — that we have created to supplement our in-person ministries. The materials are quite diverse, but each resource has the same general goal. In keeping with the mission of Faith, Hope, and Love Global Ministries, we offer them in order to teach, inspire, and encourage you to live more fully, to grow spiritually, and to serve Christ more effectively.
All rights are reserved for these copyrighted materials, but we want you to be able use them in any way that fits with their intended purposes. Please feel free to download any of these resources that you wish and share them with as many people as possible. Please do not alter the content without express written permission. Kindly, always acknowledge the source when reproducing for others.
We would appreciate hearing from you if a particular resource has been especially meaningful to you personally or to those with whom you have shared it. Your comments, requests, and testimonials help guide us as we continue to create resources to serve the global church.